Australian copyright law originates in British copyright law which was established by the British parliament through the Australian Courts Act 1828. The British Statute of Anne 1709, which awarded copyright protection to books, acted as a blueprint for the extension of copyright to new types of subject matter in the 18th and 19th Century.

Piracy is a multi-million dollar enterprise, not just kids in a basement swapping files. Pirate sites generate hundreds of millions of dollars from advertising revenue annually, with not one cent going back to the original creators or owners of the work. And pirate sites are amongst the most hazardous places on the internet. Internet censorship in Australia - Wikipedia A collection of both federal and state laws apply to Internet content in Australia. Federal law. While the Australian constitution does not explicitly provide for freedom of speech or press, the High Court has held that a right to freedom of expression is implied in the constitution, and the government generally respects these rights in practice. Australia set to toughen online piracy laws Jul 25, 2014 'Censorship by internet filter': Industry reacts to

The government wants to significantly expand the scope of laws that currently allow copyright owners and licensees to seek court orders forcing Australian Internet service providers (ISPs) to

Nov 29, 2018 · The Australian parliament has now passed a new law expanding site-blocking measures. Australia Tightens Online Piracy Laws. I'll be covering the ways content is controlled on the internet

Nov 02, 2017 · Piracy in Australia drops 20 per cent year-on-year, survey claims released since the government's site-blocking laws came into effect, and add to the perception that the tide may be turning in

Jul 25, 2014