In earlier windows server versions (prior to 2016) it was possible to grant non-admin users the permission to run a scheduled task by doing following steps: Scheduled Task: run under system, execute script; Give user read and execute rights on specific task under C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ Now in server 2016 this doesn't work anymore.

The Start-ScheduledTask cmdlet starts a registered background task asynchronously. Examples. Example 1: Start a registered scheduled task. PS C:\> Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName "ScanSoftware" This command starts a task named ScanSoftware in the root folder. Example 2: Start all tasks in a folder Specifies to disable the scheduled task. /it: Specifies to run the scheduled task only when the run as user (the user account under which the task runs) is logged on to the computer. This parameter has no effect on tasks that run with system permissions or tasks that already have the interactive-only property set. This will bring up the Task Manager desktop app. 2. Right-click on the Task Manger Desktop app icon, and select Run as administrator from the pop up dialogue box. 3. On the next screen you will be asked to enter the password for the admin account. Mar 10, 2014 · Also, running the task as a different administrator account is even worse, so…do as you like here. Secure the location of the script files, at least do that. Good or bad, it is still a fact that some people in some situations want to do this, run a script as system, perhaps for the simplicity of it, for not having to rely on service accounts May 19, 2020 · How to run app as administrator using Task Manager. To launch an app as an administrator from Task Manager, use these steps: Open Start. Search for Task Manager and click the top result to open Nov 17, 2015 · I know I could create a shortcut for cmd and create a scheduled task to run as administrator or even select the 'Run as Administrator' checkbox within the shortcuts advanced properties but again I was hoping this would too bypass the UAC prompt when using the direct application path, and not a shortcut.

Aug 25, 2018 · Click on the Change User or Group button to assign the task to the right user or group. Creating a task with an administrator or System user account may not work on a normal users account. Enable the option: Run whether the user is logged on or not if you want the task to run at all times.

Jan 08, 2020 · Once a task has been set up though, it will run until it is disabled. There’s no way to automatically disable a scheduled task on a given date so if you’re looking to run a scheduled task only once, you’re going to have to add an extra action to the task. The action is going to run a script that is going to disable the task. Apr 01, 2019 · In Windows 7 SP1 and higher, you can access the ICACLS command run from a Command Prompt with Administrator Rights. Find and then right-click CMD.EXE and choose Run as Administrator . Once the command prompt is open, navigate to the %SYSTEMROOT% directory (typically "C:\Windows") and run the ICACLS command with the following parameters:

On the other hand, if I were to schedule the task as an administrator, the non-admin can't even see the task, let alone get last run time and result. Thus, no way for non-admin user to see if the task exists or has run successfully other than writing results to a log or something.

I was trying to create a task for account Administrator via powershell, and was logged on as regular user. The task didn't run even when executing from Task Scheduler manually, and kept saying 'The task has not yet run. (0x41303)' in 'Last Run Result'. Same for Scheduled jobs. And if I edited in Task scheduler it didn't ask for password. Scheduled Tasks. If a scheduled task invokes a UAC prompt, then the task may fail to run unattended, to prevent this make sure that you select the 'Run With Highest Privileges' check box, (or run Set-ScheduledJobOption-RunElevated) Jul 22, 2018 · The easiest and the fastest way to achieve this is to grant permissions to the Scheduled Tasks ( C:\windows\tasks) folder. Permissions can be granted to a user or to a group by using the CACLS command. Here is the example on how to grant permissions for a user or to a group. Run Command Prompt in elevated mode (run as admin) Type the following On the other hand, if I were to schedule the task as an administrator, the non-admin can't even see the task, let alone get last run time and result. Thus, no way for non-admin user to see if the task exists or has run successfully other than writing results to a log or something.