May 14, 2018 · sudo apt-get install wine1.8. However, if you need a minimal install, use the --no-install-recommends flag with apt. sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install wine1.8. To install wine 2.x series from the WineHQ development branch repository, use the command below. sudo apt-get install wine-devel

linux - apt-get update not working in parrot OS - Stack sudo apt-get --download-only --reinstall install resolvconf sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends resolvconf sudo apt-get install resolvconf Good luck! it worked for me. P.S. Dont do while logged as root What does sudo apt-get update command do on Ubuntu/Debian Oct 24, 2018 ubuntu - apt-get update or apt-get install not working it seemed to be working fine before but i dont know what got installed that it started showing so many errors. The other solutions already provided for this issue dont work for me as I am behind an authenticated proxy server. my ip is, my dns servers are and and my proxy server is

May 23, 2020 · Method 1: Using apt-get. More often than not, a broken package that broke after it was installed can be relatively easy to fix, thanks to a built-in tool inside of apt-get. Performing the following commands will try and fix any broken packages currently installed on your system: sudo apt-get update --fix-missing sudo apt-get install -f Dec 12, 2019 · If you are not logged in as the root, one option is to use the sudo prefix. However, you could also add your non-root user to the Docker group which will allow it to execute docker commands. The syntax for adding users to the Docker group is: sudo usermod -aG docker [user_name] To add the Pi user (the default user in Raspbian), use the command:

There is nothing wrong with your system: sudo apt-get update will only update the package list. To really update packages, you have to type: sudo apt-get upgrade afterwards as well! edit: let me add to this that sudo apt-get upgrade will finish with Reading state information

Error with “Hash sum Mismatch” : When checking for updates, you end up getting a “Failed To … sudo apt-get install not working to install plank and sudo apt-get install plank. it's didn't working also i tried install another application still didn't working and there's show me this message. Also i was tried this command sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf but still didn't working too. here is the message: and here is output of sources.list: gedit not working? - CS50 Stack Exchange apt-get install --reinstall gedit must have space before the --reinstall – user2477 Jan 28 '15 at 13:02 add a comment | 2 Answers 2 PITFT stops working after sudo apt-get update