Polycom for the Ipad 2 and above…. NOTES: 1. If you are using this within the UF network. YOU ARE ALL SET. Go below to setup the Polycom for Ipad. 2. If you are NOT in the UF Network, You will need to follow the handout for UF VPN connection FIRST before you setup the Polycom. Anytime you are not in the UF network, you will need to use VPN !!!

The official source for information technology related news at the University of Florida UF VPN Info. » Airway Educational Project - College of iPhone/iPad users: Download LINK. Android users: Download the AnyConnect VPN client from the Android store. Open the app and select Add New VPN Connection. Server address: vpn.health.ufl.edu Enable “Connect with IPsec” in Advanced Preferences Enter your GatorLink credentials to connect to the HSC VPN. Polycom for the Ipad 2 and above…. - University of Florida Polycom for the Ipad 2 and above…. NOTES: 1. If you are using this within the UF network. YOU ARE ALL SET. Go below to setup the Polycom for Ipad. 2. If you are NOT in the UF Network, You will need to follow the handout for UF VPN connection FIRST before you setup the Polycom. Anytime you are not in the UF network, you will need to use VPN !!!

Anyconnect Installation & Configuration Guide

VPN Connections - Technology Support Services - UFIT The UF GatorLink Virtual Private Network (VPN) Service provides employees the ability to securely access multiple UF resources while working off campus, including: Network files (home and department drives) Remote Desktop Connections; UF Exchange Outlook archived emails (if stored on a network drive) UF Library Journals; UF Software Licensing Services

UF VPN Installation Help | UF Health, University of

UF Information Technology staff monitor usage to gauge the usefulness of UFApps and each application offered to the UF student and faculty community. This data, as well as user feedback, will help determine how we can expand or improve UFApps. Please use the … Anyconnect Installation & Configuration Guide