Jan 20, 2010 · For those who don't know, ventrilo is a multi-user voice chat program. Its particularly helpful in warband because of the lack of a quick communication system in game. I'm sure there are a lot more vent servers for warband than I personally know of, and I'm hesitant to volunteer other server information without approval from the owners, so I'll

I'd really like to make a Ventrilo 4 server, but i can't find the server file ANYWHERE. If anybody could help me, that'd be awesome. This is the password that you will use to create channels, ban/kick users, and setup special permissions for users. This password should NOT be shared with anyone. It must be different from the Join Password. We also offer Australian ventrilo servers and teamspeak servers do provide great performance at affordable prices. Available Server Types: Game Servers, Teamspeak3 Servers, Ventrilo Servers, Enterprise Hosting. Nearby Locations: Adelaide, Australia Search and Find the best Ventrilo servers using the best muliplayer server list. Join the top Ventrilo servers. Play on best top site for online Ventrilo gaming private ranked servers by votes and player reviews. Ventrilo is a proprietary VOIP program with clients for Microsoft Windows and Macintosh OS X. Most users of Ventrilo use a headset and/or microphone and use the program to talk freely to each other, similar to a telephone conference call. Ventrilo is often used by multiplayer computer game players. Contents[show] Usage Users install the Ventrilo client and connect to a Ventrilo server. The

Ventrilo servers support remote status requests that can be displayed on web pages via the "ventrilo_status" program or in the Ventrilo client itself via the built-in Server Browser window. Ventrilo supports remote statusing by default but sometimes you might want to control how much information is sent back to the requesting program.

'Dom's Ventrilo' is a very small 10 slot server which hosts a few friendship groups, but they have plans to upgrade and grow into a public and gaming society in the near future. {C}Tolerance: Zero {C}Known # of Admins: 2 {C}Hostname/IP: hydrogen.typefrag.com {C}Port: 13811 {C}No password. {C} Roleplay Servers Edit The Ventrilo client itself does a great job at allowing customization of most aspects of a server and our control panel fills in the gaps, allowing you to view at a glance your server status, check out pending events that might affect its performance, set up what voice codec is used (we support all possible Ventrilo codecs for all our servers Ventrilo4.com offers affordable Ventrilo Server Hosting for your group or organization. Create your Ventrilo Server on our premium voice communication network and enjoy live customer support, a 30 day

Ventrilo4.com offers affordable Ventrilo Server Hosting for your group or organization. Create your Ventrilo Server on our premium voice communication network and enjoy live customer support, a 30 day

Mar 16, 2005 · Ventrilo is a voice communication program, where people can talk to eachother through a microphone. Currently there are channels for Guild Wars, Krusher's and Winter's Roar servers. To join, download the Ventrilo client at Http://www.ventrilo.com , Then connect to Ventrilo.Rogean.com Port: 3505.