Mar 31, 2009 · Setting up an email server is a difficult process involving a number of different programs, each of which needs to be properly configured. The best approach is to install and configure each individual component one by one, ensuring that each one works, and gradually build your mail server.

How to setup your own VPN server using WireGuard on Ubuntu Mar 22, 2019 Building a Home Server Part 3: Install and Setup Ubuntu Jun 06, 2019 How to set up Linux in a VM (virtual machine) - Computer Setting up Ubuntu Linux with VMWare Player Ubuntu is suitable for both desktop and server use. Additional information about Ubuntu can be found here. Setting up Ubuntu using VMWare Player 1) Download & Install VMWare Player. 2) Download Ubuntu by choosing the option of downloading it onto a CD or USB stick. Remember to choose either 32-bit How to set up SnapRAID on Ubuntu server - AddictiveTips

Jul 24, 2019

Azure virtual machines (VMs) can be created through the Azure portal. The Azure portal is a browser-based user interface to create Azure resources. This quickstart shows you how to use the Azure portal to deploy a Linux virtual machine (VM) running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. To see your VM in action, you also SSH to the VM and install the NGINX web server.

1. Overview. RocketChat is an open-source team chat client, similar to other team chat solutions such as Slack and Mattermost. It can be self-hosted, supports voice & video chat, and has apps for all popular platforms (web, Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS).

Setting up an SMTP Server on Linux - ultimate guide Oct 03, 2019 Setting up CUPS and installing local printer in Ubuntu Server